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Choose the correct muffler like this!

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A muffler is a device that allows airflow to pass through and attenuates sound energy, which can reduce aerodynamic noise on the airflow channel. After using the car for a long time, you will find that the noise produced when driving will be very loud. The noise not only bothers others, but also affects yourself. So, how to eliminate noise? With reasonable modifications, this function can be easily achieved.


【Generation of noise】

Car noise is mainly produced by the car's exhaust system. Especially in cars that have been used for a long time, the noise from the exhaust pipe will be unacceptable.

【Noise elimination】

In fact, it is very simple to eliminate the noise from the exhaust pipe. Changing a more suitable muffler in the exhaust system can solve the problem. The following is the working principle and effect of various mufflers shared with car friends. I hope it can be helpful to car friends. Helpful when choosing a muffler.

【Types of mufflers】

In terms of form, common mufflers are divided into: resistive mufflers, resistance mufflers, composite mufflers, etc.


The resistive muffler consists of porous tubes and sound-absorbing fibers. When the exhaust gas contacts the fibers through the porous tubes, the latter vibrates and generates heat energy due to friction and viscosity. The noise is converted during this process, so it is also called the sound-absorbing process. Resistive mufflers have good silencing effect on medium and high frequencies. They are rarely used simply as automobile exhaust mufflers and are usually used in combination with resistive mufflers. The advantage is that it is small in size and very effective against high-frequency noise.

The resistant muffler (also called the reflective muffler) is mainly composed of a partition and an expansion chamber. Generally, a muffler has three expansion chambers of different sizes. When the resistant muffler is composed of expansion chambers, resonance chambers and other muffler units internally through pipes, partitions and other components, sound waves are reflected and interfered when propagating, reducing the sound energy to achieve the purpose of silencing. The resistant muffler has a limited silencing frequency band. It usually has good silencing effect on low and mid-frequency bands, but poor silencing effect on high frequencies. Due to its larger size, it is more suitable for SUV-type cars. The advantage is that the noise suppression effect on medium and low frequencies is very obvious.

The composite muffler is a muffler composed of a combination of resistant muffler units and sound-absorbing materials. Its structure combines the characteristics of the first two types, including both sound-absorbing cotton and an expansion chamber. It can have a good effect on high, middle and low frequency noise, but the cost is higher. The advantage is that it has a good suppression effect on high, middle and low frequency noise, has a wide range of use, and is flexible in size.


If you want to choose a muffler that suits your vehicle, you must comprehensively consider the muffler's silencing performance (noise attenuation and spectrum characteristics), aerodynamic performance (pressure loss, etc.), and structural performance (size, price, lifespan, etc.). The general situation is: the greater the sound attenuation of the muffler, the greater the pressure loss and price; when the sound attenuation is the same, the smaller the pressure loss, the larger the space occupied by the muffler. The above is the description of different types of mufflers suitable for different vehicles. If you have any other questions about modified mufflers, you are welcome to get more information through "Contact Us" on the website. Our professional technicians will be happy to provide you with answers. and service.

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